The French studio Plus Mûrs used Diatype Mono by Dinamo for the logo of the sophisticated sports brand, Counter Systema.
Foundry: Dinamo Design: Plus Mûrs
Foundry: Dinamo Design: Plus Mûrs
Foundry: Pangram Pangram, Schick Toikka Design: Casa Bien
Foundry: Family type Design: Polar Ltda
Foundry: Federcio Parra Barrios Design: Principal
Foundry: Dalton Maag Design: Memory Studio
Foundry: Colophon Foundry Design: Leon Romero
Foundry: Benoît Bodhuin Design: Miroslav Zhivkov
Foundry: ABC Dinamo, Adobe Fonts Design: Regrets Only
Foundry: 205 TF Design: Address Arts
Type Designers: Matthew Fenton, Haakon Spencer, Jack Niblett
Mastering: Christoph Koeberlin
Foundry: British Standard Type
Foundry: ABC Dinamo Design: EY Doberman
Foundry: Kimera Corp Design: Raw Materials, Service Plan
Foundry: Cotype Foundry Design: Porto Rocha
Foundry: The Northern Block Designer: Jonathan Hill
Foundry: 26a1 Type Designer: Daniel Wenzel
Type Designer: Sylvan Lanz
Foundry: Pangram Pangram Design: Andrés Higueros
Foundry: Colophon Foundry Design: Porto Rocha
Foundry Dinamo, Design Flavious Augustin.