Asfalt will have its first edition featuring an identity filled with color blocks, sports images, a vertical logo using a customized version of Generation Mono, and texts using ABC Diatype.
Foundry: Nguyen Gobber, Dinamo Typefaces Design: Toykyo
Foundry: Nguyen Gobber, Dinamo Typefaces Design: Toykyo
Foundry: Benoît Bodhuin Design: Miroslav Zhivkov
Foundry: Displaay Typefaces Design: Maison Standard
Design: Clase BCN
Type and graphic design: Eric Wrenn
Foundry: Commercial Type Design: Asketic
Foundry: RongyinotRongyi, ECAL Master Type Design: ECAL Photography
Foundry: Family Type Design: Studio Sly
Foundry: Out Of The Dark, JHA Design: Agga Stage, Alexander Söder
Type Design: Laura Meseguer Design: Buenaventura
Foundry: Extraset Design: Studio Hudson Catty, Camille Baudelaire & Olivia Grandperrin
Foundry: Lineto Design: Studio Ard
Foundry: Supercontinente Design: Gretel NYC
Foundry: Fonts From Folch Design: Folch Studio
Foundry: Type Weltkern Web Design: Matière Vive Renders: Synthetic Aspect
Design: Regular Practice
Foundry: Extraset Design: Glasfurd & Walker
Foundry: Warsaw Types Design: Daniel Gremme
Foundry: Sharp Type Design: Basora
Foundry: Eliott Grunewald Design: Monozygote
Foundry: Design: Marlon Tate
Type and design: H5
Foundry: Lineto Design: Zoo Designers Graphiques
Foundry Razzia Type, Design Base